How We Work
You learn about climate change using our carefully developed content. You explore new ideas to start your educational journey and refine your knowledge of climate change.
We know that youth are the pathway to the future. We, as fellow youth, are willing to fight for our future. Learning about climate change is the path to solving it.
To solve climate change, we need to act. But this action comes in many forms. While some may learn about climate change and choose to be activists, we strongly believe that not everyone has to be an activist.

Climate News

What We Are
Why We Exist
We created Kids Fight Climate Change because we need a youth-focused and youth-led climate change educational organization. There are no organizations like this operating on a wide scale!

How We Work
Kids Fight Climate Change operates in three steps: educate, empower, and transform. We create engaging content which will teach youth about climate change in a fun and informative manner!