Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is obtained through innovation. It is done by developing new methods that use less electricity to obtain the same outcome. In other words, it makes products more efficient.
Energy efficiency can include updating systems to use energy at a more efficient rate, including large-scale infrastructure.

How Energy Efficiency is Employed

Insulation is a simple concept yet incredibly important for energy efficiency. Insulating residential and commercial buildings allows for significantly less energy to be used. One area in particular where insulation is essential is in windows. To make windows more insulated and efficient, designers are attempting to lower the rate at which energy passes through the window. This rate directly translates into insulation and greater efficiency.

LED Lighting
Both commercial and residential buildings require a lot of electricity for lighting; 11% of total building energy. Commercial buildings, in particular, have to light large spaces and for long periods of time. The most common lightbulb—particularly prevalent in commercial buildings—is the standard incandescent bulb. These lightbulbs are inefficient; 99% of the electricity they use is wasted as heat energy. Owners are forced to use more electricity for lighting. However, compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are more efficient than incandescent lightbulbs. LEDs last 28.83 times longer than an incandescent bulb and require 85.83% less electricity. CFLs last 8.3 times longer than an incandescent bulb and require 76.6% less energy. These lightbulbs, therefore, use less electricity and are more efficient, cutting down on electricity requirements.